'Animals In Action | Brain & Body Builders | Exercise & Fitness for Kids | Jack Hartmann'

'Animals In Action | Brain & Body Builders | Exercise & Fitness for Kids | Jack Hartmann'
03:15 Mar 16, 2021
'This brain break music and movement song has jungle music, lots of animals and opportunities for children to move like the animals move.  This song also teaches children listening skills because it’s a repeat after me song, too.  As a great brain break song or in physical education this song really gets children singing and getting those wiggles out as they move like animals.   This video features animals in their natural habitat.  We use real animals in their natural environment.  After this fun brain break, your children will be ready to re-focus and get back to optimal learning.  LYRICS:  Animals in Action  Run, run, run like a cheetah (Children repeat) Swing, swing, swing like a monkey (Children repeat) Fly, fly, fly like an eagle (Children repeat)            Chorus Paddle, paddle, paddle like a turtle (Children repeat)  Animals in action…Animals in action Animals in action…Animals in action  Let’s go! Yeah  Climb, climb, climb like a squirrel (Children repeat) Waddle, waddle, waddle like a duck (Children repeat) Pump, pump, pump like a gorilla (Children repeat) Stomp, stomp, stomp like an elephant (Children repeat)  Animals in Action…Animals in action Animals in Action…Animals in action  Let’s go!  In the sky…In the sky On the ground…On the ground In the water…In the water All around…All around They are, animals in action, animals in action  (Chorus)  Animals in Action…Animals in action Animals in Action…Animals in action  Let’s go!  In the sky…In the sky On the ground…On the ground In the water…In the water All around…All around  They are animals in action!  Jack Hartmann\'s website: http://www.jackhartmann.com Remember to connect with Jack Hartmann on his Social Networks: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hop2itmusic Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/jackhartmann/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/JackHartmann Twitter: https://twitter.com/Jack_Hartmann Google +: https://plus.google.com/u/0/111246828015196865180/posts You can find Jack Hartmann\'s Music on: Jack Hartmann Website: http://www.jackhartmann.com iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/artist/jack-hartmann/id391057562 Amazon Mp3: http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=ntt_srch_drd_B00423GXF2?ie=UTF8&field-keywords=Jack%20Hartmann&index=digital-music&search-type=ss Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/music/artist/Jack_Hartmann?id=Ax3xg7dhdt5nx4b47dnwxjnhhhy&hl=en CD Baby: http://www.cdbaby.com/Artist/JackHartmann' 

Tags: exercise , animals , fitness for kids , kids music channel , animal exercise , animal exercises for children , animals in action , jack hartmann , Listening Skills , Creative Movement , natural animal habitat , animal action , animal action song , animal movement songs for children , animal action song for kids , animals in action song , animals action , jack hartmann animals in action , animal actions , animals action songs for kids , animal movements for kids , animals in action jack hartmann

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